Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The 8 Pieces of Brocade Qigong, and Modernizing What is Ancient

Taught my first lesson today in a long time.  I always start new students off with the 8 Pieces of Brocade qigong.  This qigong does so many good things as long as one adheres to basic principles.  It helps with range of motion, energy level, relieving tension, and does all this while being a very easy and short.  Also it can get you acquainted with basic principles of breath coordinated with movement. 

Everyone I've ever seen does this qigong a little different.  The version I do and like to teach is put together from no less than 4 different versions.  To me that means it is great for customization and meeting students where they are regardless of physical condition.  I am pretty sure that anyone who can stand can do these moves, and for everyone else there's the seated version.

Anyway, I knew I was going to teach this today, so I was trying to remember what all the moves were called.  I usually simply refer to them as numbers one through 8.  This is bad for teaching, however, because the 8 Pieces of Brocade was historically taught as an orally transmitted poem.  Once I checked some of my original sources for names, I realized that nobody cares what the moves were called in antiquity.  I decided these eight moves need a hip new oral tradition.  You'll find these new names to be Americanized, rebellious, humorous, and all together against the rules.

1.  Hope You Wore Deodorant
2.  Draw Bow to Shoot Fan of Least Favorite Sports Team
3.  Upstairs Downstairs Hands
4.  Glance Behind You at 5 Haters and 7 Jerks
5.  Wagging Head and Tail but Don't Twerk
6.  Clench Fists and Build Chi by Punching the Face of your Least Favorite Politician
7.  Strengthen Kidneys Without Missing the Point
8.  Stand on Toes to Shake it Off Like Taylor Swift

Hopefully you find this helpful.

Feel free to join my page at for lesson times, quotes, and more cool stuff.  Also for questions or to find out more about lessons you can e-mail at

Sunday, July 5, 2015

I'm back! Did you miss me?

I have learned so much since my last post over 2 years ago.  I got really wrapped up in the energetic healing aspects of what you can do with sensitivity to chi.  I spent almost a year with my primary focus diverted toward an energetic healing method called quantum touch.  This method is dastardly
simple, especially for those who have experience with other energetics.  It was founded by a man named Richard Gordon, who is still exploring all the stellar stuff that this discipline can do to help people.

I then fell down the deep dark rabbit hole of conspiracy theory.  Free energy. Aliens. WW3.  You name it.  This set of topics has more potential to steal your time and leave you in fear than anything you'll see on mainstream TV.  After at least a half year of seeing my country and civilization fall apart in a big collective version of the show 100 Ways to Die, I decided to put myself on conspiracy detox. I really respect the people who stand up for what they believe in and try to wake up the masses, but their fight isn't my fight.

My fight is to teach people how to wage peace.  Your biggest enemy isn't the gangster, the terrorist, or your potentially corrupt government.  Your biggest enemy is yourself, and the fact that it really is pretty tough to look on many people with compassion and forgiveness.  Pretty much every spiritual tradition in the world encourages the daylights out of this kind of attitude.  I view it as an essential component of being your best.  Anything else than the best, like if Jesus was in the room, or your momma, or your greatest mentor is a waste of time.  Treat others like you'll get a grade for it, because you probably will.

My personal toolkit for this fight is pretty diverse, but most comes from tai chi and super wise guys, especially my boy Lao Tzu, who challenges the daylights out of me from on top of that ox every time I read him.

The stage is set for the launch of private lessons and small classes.  The following is growing.  It's about to get real.  Real fun!  I teach right out of my home gym to keep overhead small and rates low.  Launch is TBA, but soon.  Once I start my availability will post every week late Thursday, early Friday.  Classes will stay small and select.

Feel free to follow the movement on
Classes can be booked by Facebook message or e-mail at